Shipping and return policies for Eddy Detroit

Shipping Info
Buyer to pay shipping fees.
All Items shipped in professional record mailers with cardboard flats for extra protection.
All orders will post within 3 business days.
Seller not responsible for any damage or missing packages incurred during transit. Insurance is available at an extra cost.
Tracking info included with all shipments. International (outside the USA) needs extra tracking fee for to door tracking info.

media:5-10 days ($5.50+ $1 each additional) or priority: 2-3 days($13+ $3 each additional),
North America (Canada/Mexico)
($17 + $4 additional)

Rest of the World- (USPS prices have gone up again as of June 2018)
I will declare all shipments as GIFT and put the LOWEST value I can for customs (this will save money for many of you)
Included Tracking is only good till customs arrival. If you would like additional tracking, that is extra. Please note with order if you would like tracking to your door.
1 LP
UK-$24 + $4 additional (under 4 lbs.)
Belgium- $24 + $4 additional
Switzerland- $24 + $4 additional
Japan- $24 + $4 additional
Russia- $24 + $4 additional
Australia/NZ $24 + $4 additional
Rest of Asia $24 + $4 additional
Rest of Europe -airmail international ($24+$4 additional LP) under 4 lbs.
Over 4 lbs/2kg. please wait for quote.
CD/7"- $16+$3 additional.
Return Policy
All Items shipped in professional record mailers with cardboard flats for extra protection.
All orders will post within 3 business days.
Seller not responsible for any damage or missing packages incurred during transit. Insurance is available at an extra cost.
Tracking info included with all shipments. International (outside the USA) needs extra tracking fee for to door tracking info.

refunds will be given to any defective product due to manufacturing.